VIX Volatility Index - Historical Chart

Interactive historical chart showing the daily level of the CBOE VIX Volatility Index back to 1990. The VIX index measures the expectation of stock market volatility over the next 30 days implied by S&P 500 index options. The current VIX index level as of March 21, 2025 is 19.28.

CBOE Volatility Index: VIX - Historical Annual Data
Year Average
Closing Price
Year Open Year High Year Low Year Close Annual
% Change
2025 18.44 17.93 27.86 14.77 19.28 11.12%
2024 15.55 13.20 38.57 11.86 17.35 39.36%
2023 16.85 22.90 26.52 12.07 12.45 -42.55%
2022 25.64 16.60 36.45 16.60 21.67 25.84%
2021 19.66 26.97 37.21 15.01 17.22 -24.31%
2020 29.25 12.47 82.69 12.10 22.75 65.09%
2019 15.39 23.22 25.45 11.54 13.78 -45.79%
2018 16.64 9.77 37.32 9.15 25.42 130.25%
2017 11.09 12.85 16.04 9.14 11.04 -21.37%
2016 15.83 20.70 28.14 11.27 14.04 -22.90%
2015 16.67 17.79 40.74 11.95 18.21 -5.16%
2014 14.18 14.23 26.25 10.32 19.20 39.94%
2013 14.23 14.68 20.49 11.30 13.72 -23.86%
2012 17.80 22.97 26.66 13.45 18.02 -22.99%
2011 24.20 17.61 48.00 14.62 23.40 31.83%
2010 22.55 20.04 45.79 15.45 17.75 -18.13%
2009 31.48 39.19 56.65 19.47 21.68 -45.80%
2008 32.69 23.17 80.86 16.30 40.00 77.78%
2007 17.54 12.04 31.09 9.89 22.50 94.64%
2006 12.81 11.14 23.81 9.90 11.56 -4.23%
2005 12.81 14.08 17.74 10.23 12.07 -9.18%
2004 15.48 18.22 21.58 11.23 13.29 -27.42%
2003 21.98 25.39 34.69 15.58 18.31 -36.02%
2002 27.29 22.71 45.08 17.40 28.62 20.25%
2001 25.75 29.99 43.74 18.76 23.80 -11.36%
2000 23.32 24.21 33.49 16.53 26.85 8.97%
1999 24.37 26.17 32.98 17.42 24.64 0.90%
1998 25.60 23.42 45.74 16.23 24.42 1.71%
1997 22.36 21.14 38.20 17.09 24.01 14.77%
1996 16.44 12.19 21.99 12.00 20.92 67.09%
1995 12.39 14.25 15.74 10.36 12.52 -5.15%
1994 13.93 12.57 23.87 9.94 13.20 13.21%
1993 12.69 13.36 17.30 9.31 11.66 -7.24%
1992 15.45 18.95 21.02 11.51 12.57 -34.90%
1991 18.37 26.62 36.20 13.95 19.31 -26.80%