Kyrgyz Republic Population Density 1950-2025
- The current population density of Kyrgyz Republic in is 0.00 people per square kilometer, a NAN% decline from .
- The population density of Kyrgyz Republic in was 0.00 people per square kilometer, a NAN% decline from .
- The population density of Kyrgyz Republic in was 0.00 people per square kilometer, a NAN% decline from .
- The population density of Kyrgyz Republic in was 0.00 people per square kilometer, a NAN% decline from .
Similar Countries Ranked by Population Density | |
Country Name | 2025 Population Density |
Bangladesh | 1,192.22 |
Micronesia | 792.47 |
India | 442.50 |
Philippines | 402.88 |
Sri Lanka | 335.32 |
Pakistan | 313.97 |
El Salvador | 305.43 |
Vietnam | 302.22 |
Nigeria | 253.93 |
Sao Tome and Principe | 251.02 |
Kiribati | 170.35 |
Cabo Verde | 151.42 |
Ghana | 148.57 |
Indonesia | 147.12 |
Egypt | 116.11 |
Kenya | 98.77 |
Honduras | 97.11 |
Moldova | 96.16 |
Cambodia | 95.52 |
Timor-Leste | 94.09 |
Morocco | 86.38 |
Myanmar | 81.79 |
Uzbekistan | 80.55 |
Lesotho | 78.44 |
Tunisia | 77.41 |
Eswatini | 71.13 |
Ukraine | 64.22 |
Cameroon | 63.42 |
Nicaragua | 55.51 |
Georgia | 53.22 |
Djibouti | 50.36 |
Angola | 31.24 |
Zambia | 28.84 |
Vanuatu | 28.73 |
Sudan | 26.95 |
Solomon Islands | 26.75 |
Papua New Guinea | 23.12 |
Bhutan | 20.77 |
Republic of Congo | 18.67 |
Bolivia | 11.60 |
Mauritania | 4.98 |
Mongolia | 2.26 |
Kyrgyz Republic - Historical Population Density Data | ||
Year | Population Density | Growth Rate |