WisdomTree Emerging Markets High Dividend ETF - 16 Year Dividend History | DEM

Historical dividend payout and yield for WisdomTree Emerging Markets High Dividend ETF (DEM) since 2009. The current TTM dividend payout for WisdomTree Emerging Markets High Dividend ETF (DEM) as of February 28, 2025 is $2.12. The current dividend yield for WisdomTree Emerging Markets High Dividend ETF as of February 28, 2025 is 5.01%.
Sector Industry Market Cap Revenue
Finance Finance - Publicly Traded Investment Trusts $2.829B $0.000B
WisdomTree Investments, Inc. has developed the first family of fundamentally weighted indexes and ETFs. The WisdomTree Indexes cover all major market capitalizations, both domestically and internationally. In contrast to capitalization-weighted indexes, the WisdomTree Indexes anchor the initial weights of individual stocks to a measure of fundamental value. The company believes its approach provides investors with a viable alternative to market cap-weighted indexes. WisdomTree has combined the wisdom of fundamentals and the power of indexing to create a wiser way to invest. Like our dividend family, WisdomTree's earnings-weighted indexes share a common investment foundation rooted in fundamentals, and provide investors with a viable alternative to cap-weighted indexes and ETFs. And while we believe our families complement each other, dividend and earnings possess unique characteristics.
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