NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals Revenue 1970-1969 | MTVA
NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals revenue from 1970 to 1969. Revenue can be defined as the amount of money a company receives from its customers in exchange for the sales of goods or services. Revenue is the top line item on an income statement from which all costs and expenses are subtracted to arrive at net income.
NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals Annual Revenue (Millions of US $) |
NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals Quarterly Revenue (Millions of US $) |
Sector |
Industry |
Market Cap |
Revenue |
Medical |
$0.022B |
$0.000B |
NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company. It is focused on novel treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. The company's novel lead candidate NB-01 is a drug candidate for diabetic neuropathic pain. NB-02 focuses on the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals Inc., formerly known as Gemphire Therapeutics Inc., is based in Northville, United States.