Q.E.P - Stock Split History | QEPC
Stock split history for Q.E.P since . Prices shown are actual historical values and are not adjusted for either splits or dividends. Please see the "Historical Prices" tab for adjusted price values.
Q.E.P Annual Stock Splits |
Q.E.P Quarterly Stock Splits |
Sector |
Industry |
Market Cap |
Revenue |
Consumer Discretionary |
Tools - Hand Held |
$0.124B |
$0.252B |
Q.E.P. CO., INC. is a manufacturer, marketer and distributor of a broad line of specialty tools and related products for the home improvement market. Under brand name including ``QEP,`` ``O'Tool,`` ``Marion Tool`` and ``Andrews Tools,`` Co. markets over 4,000 specialty tools and related products used for surface preparation and installation of ceramic tile, carpet, marble, masonry , drywall and paint. Co.'s products include, among other items, trowels, floats, tile cutters, wet saws, spacers, nippers, pliers, carpet trimmers and cutters, knives and abrasives.