Nikkei 225 Index - 67 Year Historical Chart

Interactive daily chart of Japan's Nikkei 225 stock market index back to 1949. Each data point represents the closing value for that trading day and is denominated in japanese yen (JPY). The current price is updated on an hourly basis with today's latest value. The current price of the Nikkei 225 Index as of March 07, 2025 is 36,887.17.

Nikkei 225 - Historical Annual Data
Year Average
Closing Price
Year Open Year High Year Low Year Close Annual
% Change
2025 38,833.90 39,307.05 40,083.30 36,887.17 36,887.17 -7.54%
2024 38,396.74 33,288.29 42,224.02 31,458.42 39,894.54 19.22%
2023 30,716.56 25,716.86 33,753.33 25,716.86 33,464.17 28.24%
2022 27,257.79 29,301.79 29,332.16 24,717.53 26,094.50 -9.37%
2021 28,836.54 27,258.38 30,670.10 27,013.25 28,791.71 4.91%
2020 22,705.02 23,204.86 27,568.15 16,552.83 27,444.17 16.01%
2019 21,697.23 19,561.96 24,066.12 19,561.96 23,656.62 18.20%
2018 22,310.73 23,506.33 24,270.62 19,155.74 20,014.77 -12.08%
2017 20,209.03 19,594.16 22,939.18 18,335.63 22,764.94 19.10%
2016 16,920.48 18,450.98 19,494.53 14,952.02 19,114.37 0.42%
2015 19,203.77 17,408.71 20,868.03 16,795.96 19,033.71 9.07%
2014 15,460.43 15,908.88 17,935.64 13,910.16 17,450.77 7.12%
2013 13,577.87 10,688.11 16,291.31 10,486.99 16,291.31 56.72%
2012 9,102.56 8,560.11 10,395.18 8,295.63 10,395.18 22.94%
2011 9,425.42 10,398.10 10,857.53 8,160.01 8,455.35 -17.34%
2010 10,006.49 10,654.79 11,339.30 8,824.06 10,228.92 -3.01%
2009 9,346.11 9,043.12 10,639.71 7,054.98 10,546.44 19.04%
2008 12,165.35 14,691.41 14,691.41 7,162.90 8,859.56 -42.12%
2007 17,002.24 17,353.67 18,261.98 14,837.66 15,307.78 -11.13%
2006 16,110.38 16,361.54 17,563.37 14,218.60 17,225.83 6.92%
2005 12,422.58 11,517.75 16,344.20 10,825.39 16,111.43 40.24%
2004 11,179.25 10,825.17 12,163.89 10,365.40 11,488.76 7.61%
2003 9,311.42 8,713.33 11,161.71 7,607.88 10,676.64 24.45%
2002 10,123.14 10,871.49 11,979.85 8,303.39 8,578.95 -18.63%
2001 12,093.56 13,691.49 14,529.41 9,504.41 10,542.62 -23.52%
2000 17,145.01 19,002.86 20,833.21 13,423.21 13,785.69 -27.19%
1999 16,823.41 13,415.89 18,934.34 13,232.74 18,934.34 36.79%
1998 15,355.99 14,956.84 17,264.34 12,879.97 13,842.17 -9.28%
1997 18,397.52 19,446.00 20,681.07 14,775.22 15,258.74 -21.19%
1996 21,094.61 20,618.00 22,666.80 19,161.71 19,361.35 -2.55%
1995 17,329.70 19,684.04 20,011.76 14,485.41 19,868.15 0.74%
1994 19,935.83 17,369.74 21,552.81 17,369.74 19,723.06 13.24%
1993 19,100.00 16,994.08 21,148.11 16,078.71 17,417.24 2.91%
1992 18,109.08 23,801.18 23,801.18 14,309.41 16,924.95 -26.36%
1991 24,295.57 24,069.18 27,146.91 21,456.76 22,983.77 -3.63%
1990 29,437.18 38,712.88 38,712.88 20,221.86 23,848.71 -38.72%
1989 34,050.78 30,243.66 38,915.87 30,183.79 38,915.87 29.04%
1988 27,048.26 21,217.04 30,159.00 21,217.04 30,159.00 39.86%
1987 23,232.14 18,820.50 26,646.43 18,544.00 21,564.00 14.58%
1986 16,392.74 13,083.18 18,936.19 12,881.50 18,820.64 43.85%
1985 12,557.45 11,542.60 13,128.90 11,542.60 13,083.18 13.35%
1984 10,567.53 9,893.82 11,577.40 9,703.35 11,542.60 16.66%
1983 8,816.24 8,016.67 9,893.82 7,803.18 9,893.82 23.42%
1982 7,397.27 7,681.84 8,026.99 6,849.78 8,016.67 4.36%
1981 7,518.55 7,150.95 8,019.14 6,956.52 7,681.84 8.76%
1980 6,867.86 6,560.16 7,188.28 6,475.93 7,063.13 7.51%
1979 6,273.39 6,041.57 6,577.89 5,925.87 6,569.47 9.46%
1978 5,538.21 4,867.91 6,097.26 4,867.91 6,001.85 23.35%
1977 5,029.02 4,998.85 5,287.65 4,597.26 4,865.60 -2.51%
1976 4,652.08 4,403.06 4,990.85 4,403.06 4,990.85 14.94%
1975 4,249.54 3,717.58 4,564.52 3,627.04 4,342.06 13.16%
1974 4,277.08 4,259.20 4,782.27 3,355.13 3,836.93 -10.91%
1973 4,757.35 5,232.86 5,359.74 3,958.57 4,306.80 -17.30%
1972 3,753.72 2,712.31 5,207.94 2,712.31 5,207.94 91.91%
1971 2,389.82 2,001.34 2,727.80 1,981.74 2,713.74 36.57%
1970 2,192.82 2,402.85 2,534.45 1,929.64 1,987.14 -15.37%
1969 1,956.54 1,755.15 2,348.03 1,748.88 2,348.03 38.19%
1968 1,546.64 1,266.27 1,851.49 1,266.27 1,699.08 32.38%
1967 1,412.94 1,441.35 1,506.27 1,250.14 1,283.47 -11.61%
1966 1,479.92 1,430.13 1,588.73 1,364.34 1,452.10 2.42%
1965 1,200.19 1,227.11 1,417.83 1,020.49 1,417.83 16.55%
1964 1,263.89 1,205.48 1,369.00 1,202.69 1,216.55 -1.39%
1963 1,440.51 1,418.25 1,634.37 1,200.64 1,233.70 -13.15%
1962 1,416.98 1,425.30 1,589.76 1,216.04 1,420.43 -0.85%
1961 1,551.23 1,366.74 1,829.74 1,258.00 1,432.60 5.59%
1960 1,115.92 869.34 1,356.71 869.34 1,356.71 55.07%
1959 822.19 671.28 976.93 664.69 874.88 31.66%
1958 572.34 481.61 664.48 481.61 664.48 40.92%
1957 534.61 549.45 594.81 471.53 471.53 -14.13%
1956 485.35 428.59 566.30 420.14 549.14 29.00%
1955 373.74 361.10 425.69 345.89 425.69 19.55%
1954 340.68 362.88 377.27 314.08 356.09 -5.78%
1953 389.68 364.89 474.43 295.18 377.95 3.86%
1952 245.64 167.80 370.55 167.80 363.91 119.14%
1951 136.40 102.10 168.87 102.10 166.06 62.95%
1950 101.68 108.56 114.99 85.25 101.91 -7.28%