Eritrea Tariff Rates 2002-2025

Weighted mean applied tariff is the average of effectively applied rates weighted by the product import shares corresponding to each partner country. Data are classified using the Harmonized System of trade at the six- or eight-digit level. Tariff line data were matched to Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) revision 3 codes to define commodity groups and import weights. To the extent possible, specific rates have been converted to their ad valorem equivalent rates and have been included in the calculation of weighted mean tariffs. Import weights were calculated using the United Nations Statistics Division's Commodity Trade (Comtrade) database. Effectively applied tariff rates at the six- and eight-digit product level are averaged for products in each commodity group. When the effectively applied rate is unavailable, the most favored nation rate is used instead.
  • Eritrea tariff rates for 2006 was 5.43%, a 0.37% decline from 2002.
  • Eritrea tariff rates for 2002 was 5.80%, a 5.8% increase from .
  • Eritrea tariff rates for was 0.00%, a 0% increase from .
  • Eritrea tariff rates for was 0.00%, a 0% increase from .
Data Source: World Bank

MLA Citation:
Similar Country Ranking
Country Name Applied, Weighted Mean, All Products (%)
Central African Republic 29.87%
Burundi 17.49%
Chad 14.52%
Sierra Leone 14.33%
Nepal 13.13%
Rwanda 12.45%
Ethiopia 12.03%
Benin 11.57%
Guinea-Bissau 11.54%
Democratic Republic of Congo 11.26%
Togo 10.82%
Niger 9.58%
Madagascar 9.54%
Senegal 9.35%
Burkina Faso 8.73%
Mali 8.31%
Malawi 8.11%
Afghanistan 7.79%
Uganda 7.71%
Tanzania 7.40%
Mozambique 7.31%
Yemen 6.46%
Eritrea 5.43%
Tajikistan 3.97%
Eritrea Tariff Rates - Historical Data
Year Applied, Weighted Mean, All Products (%) Annual Change
2006 5.43% -0.37%
2002 5.80% -0.37%