Guyana External Debt 1970-2025

Total external debt is debt owed to nonresidents repayable in currency, goods, or services. Total external debt is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term debt, use of IMF credit, and short-term debt. Short-term debt includes all debt having an original maturity of one year or less and interest in arrears on long-term debt. Data are in current U.S. dollars.
  • Guyana external debt for 2022 was $2,386,873,653, a 26.31% increase from 2021.
  • Guyana external debt for 2021 was $1,889,705,076, a 25.42% increase from 2020.
  • Guyana external debt for 2020 was $1,506,687,263, a 1.55% decline from 2019.
  • Guyana external debt for 2019 was $1,530,459,138, a 4.76% decline from 2018.
Data Source: World Bank

MLA Citation:
Similar Country Ranking
Country Name Current US $
China $2,389
Mexico $600
Brazil $579
Turkey $459
Russia $376
Thailand $192
Colombia $184
South Africa $172
Kazakhstan $162
Peru $88
Lebanon $67
Ecuador $61
Dominican Republic $48
Bulgaria $47
Serbia $44
Jordan $41
Belarus $40
Costa Rica $39
Guatemala $25
Paraguay $25
Iraq $23
Jamaica $18
Mauritius $17
Azerbaijan $15
Armenia $15
Bosnia $13
North Macedonia $12
Albania $10
Iran $10
Montenegro $9
Gabon $8
Algeria $7
Turkmenistan $5
Suriname $4
Maldives $4
Fiji $3
Guyana $2
Botswana $2
Belize $1
St. Lucia $1
Grenada $1
St. Vincent and the Grenadines $1
Samoa $0
Dominica $0
Tonga $0
Guyana External Debt - Historical Data
Year Current US $ Annual % Change
2022 $2,386,873,653 26.31%
2021 $1,889,705,076 25.42%
2020 $1,506,687,263 -1.55%
2019 $1,530,459,138 -4.76%
2018 $1,607,000,664 1.58%
2017 $1,582,078,488 -3.76%
2016 $1,643,860,201 0.42%
2015 $1,636,917,068 -30.10%
2014 $2,341,948,616 1.73%
2013 $2,302,019,509 16.60%
2012 $1,974,205,213 -1.62%
2011 $2,006,674,225 42.48%
2010 $1,408,397,852 -1.37%
2009 $1,427,924,570 44.16%
2008 $990,493,995 16.71%
2007 $848,663,074 -27.04%
2006 $1,163,165,912 -6.11%
2005 $1,238,833,545 -9.47%
2004 $1,368,422,040 -5.90%
2003 $1,454,158,542 4.60%
2002 $1,390,166,088 4.71%
2001 $1,327,603,202 -3.41%
2000 $1,374,473,167 -4.12%
1999 $1,433,536,565 -3.20%
1998 $1,480,883,511 -6.89%
1997 $1,590,512,899 -1.05%
1996 $1,607,335,579 -24.13%
1995 $2,118,471,710 3.25%
1994 $2,051,880,899 4.28%
1993 $1,967,750,373 2.83%
1992 $1,913,525,235 -3.24%
1991 $1,977,631,782 0.74%
1990 $1,963,150,253 18.25%
1989 $1,660,210,656 -12.35%
1988 $1,894,110,768 7.27%
1987 $1,765,744,328 6.13%
1986 $1,663,808,255 9.02%
1985 $1,526,166,926 16.16%
1984 $1,313,853,316 4.76%
1983 $1,254,134,873 24.63%
1982 $1,006,253,021 9.75%
1981 $916,874,252 8.81%
1980 $842,654,972 22.69%
1979 $686,832,902 12.39%
1978 $611,104,608 16.07%
1977 $526,512,349 23.41%
1976 $426,652,642 29.82%
1975 $328,651,332 48.70%
1974 $221,016,020 23.81%
1973 $178,511,426 12.67%
1972 $158,437,579 1.11%
1971 $156,692,603 89.08%
1970 $82,870,995 89.08%