Check Point Software Technologies - 29 Year Stock Split History | CHKP
Stock split history for Check Point Software Technologies since 1996. Prices shown are actual historical values and are not adjusted for either splits or dividends. Please see the "Historical Prices" tab for adjusted price values.
Check Point Software Technologies Annual Stock Splits |
Check Point Software Technologies Quarterly Stock Splits |
Sector |
Industry |
Market Cap |
Revenue |
Computer and Technology |
Security |
$23.669B |
$2.565B |
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. a well-known provider of information technology (IT) security solutions across the world. The company offers a comprehensive range of software and combined hardware and software products aimed at IT security to an operating system, a computer device, a server or a virtual desktop. The solutions cover network and gateway security, data security and management needs. Check Point entered the industry with its breakthrough product, FireWall-1, equipped with the stateful packet inspection technology invented and patented by Check Point, runs on a firewall or a PC and helps to extract and maintain extensive data for providing a framework for future screening decisions, from relevant communication layers. It also expedites network traffic inspection. Check Point has expanded to include a full enterprise security offering with endpoint security, remote access and network security gateways to protect customer data, reduce security complexities and lower total cost of ownership.