Usinas Siderurgicas De Minas Gerais SA - Stock Split History | USNZY
Stock split history for Usinas Siderurgicas De Minas Gerais SA since . Prices shown are actual historical values and are not adjusted for either splits or dividends. Please see the "Historical Prices" tab for adjusted price values.
Usinas Siderurgicas De Minas Gerais SA Annual Stock Splits |
Usinas Siderurgicas De Minas Gerais SA Quarterly Stock Splits |
Sector |
Industry |
Market Cap |
Revenue |
Basic Materials |
Steel Producers |
$0.564B |
$4.798B |
The USIMINAS SYSTEMS is Latin America's biggest flat steel complex and it ranks among the world's largest twenty steel producers. Usiminas is the System's leader company, a conglomerate made up of companies that operate in the steel industry and businesses in which steel plays a strategic role. With a solid organizational culture and deeply committed to the stockholders and the society, the company is in a constant search for operating excellence, long-term vision and corporate responsibility. Presently, Usiminas leads a pool of companies and it has a strong focus on transparency in its relations with the capital market.