Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions 1990-2025

Total greenhouse gas emissions in kt of CO2 equivalent are composed of CO2 totals excluding short-cycle biomass burning (such as agricultural waste burning and Savannah burning) but including other biomass burning (such as forest fires, post-burn decay, peat fires and decay of drained peatlands), all anthropogenic CH4 sources, N2O sources and F-gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6).
  • greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions for 2020 was 2,011,693.58, a 5.23% decline from 2019.
  • greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions for 2019 was 2,122,658.83, a 1.13% decline from 2018.
  • greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions for 2018 was 2,146,843.44, a 1.91% increase from 2017.
  • greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions for 2017 was 2,106,671.79, a 4.41% increase from 2016.
Data Source: World Bank

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Similar Country Ranking
Country Name kt of CO2 equivalent
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions - Historical Data
Year kt of CO2 equivalent Annual % Change
2020 2,011,693.58 -5.23%
2019 2,122,658.83 -1.13%
2018 2,146,843.44 1.91%
2017 2,106,671.79 4.41%
2016 2,017,685.91 2.99%
2015 1,959,183.24 -0.18%
2014 1,962,647.39 1.43%
2013 1,934,965.22 0.29%
2012 1,929,345.18 4.90%
2011 1,839,163.12 -1.49%
2010 1,866,973.05 1.91%
2009 1,831,975.99 2.27%
2008 1,791,310.28 2.76%
2007 1,743,218.01 2.83%
2006 1,695,222.76 4.18%
2005 1,627,239.83 5.80%
2004 1,537,990.86 4.96%
2003 1,465,265.13 3.29%
2002 1,418,550.88 1.33%
2001 1,399,884.29 2.70%
2000 1,363,015.22 4.67%
1999 1,302,197.35 3.12%
1998 1,262,793.14 -0.07%
1997 1,263,691.64 4.37%
1996 1,210,796.00 2.72%
1995 1,178,739.57 3.49%
1994 1,138,945.36 6.73%
1993 1,067,137.99 6.42%
1992 1,002,718.31 5.47%
1991 950,688.69 1.31%
1990 938,415.49 1.31%