Renewable Energy 1990-2025

Renewable electricity is the share of electrity generated by renewable power plants in total electricity generated by all types of plants.
  • renewable energy for 2015 was 5.09%, a 0.31% decline from 2014.
  • renewable energy for 2014 was 5.40%, a 0.84% decline from 2013.
  • renewable energy for 2013 was 6.24%, a 0.43% increase from 2012.
  • renewable energy for 2012 was 5.81%, a 0.02% decline from 2011.
Data Source: World Bank

MLA Citation:
Similar Country Ranking
Country Name % of Electricity from Renewables
Renewable Energy - Historical Data
Year % of Electricity from Renewables Annual Change
2015 5.09% -0.31%
2014 5.40% -0.84%
2013 6.24% 0.43%
2012 5.81% -0.02%
2011 5.83% -0.05%
2010 5.88% 0.62%
2009 5.27% 0.07%
2008 5.19% -3.46%
2007 8.65% -0.18%
2006 8.84% -0.29%
2005 9.13% 1.87%
2004 7.26% -0.39%
2003 7.65% 0.94%
2002 6.71% -0.47%
2001 7.18% 0.52%
2000 6.67% -1.02%
1999 7.69% -0.86%
1998 8.55% -0.46%
1997 9.00% -0.51%
1996 9.51% 0.09%
1995 9.43% -0.44%
1994 9.87% -1.43%
1993 11.30% -0.49%
1992 11.79% 0.04%
1991 11.76% -0.76%
1990 12.52% -0.76%